Tag Archives: sports

CERGE-EI Sports: Students and Professors Run Together in 10k Race

Last weekend, seven CERGE-EI students and two CERGE-EI professors participated in the Palestra Kbelska 10K race in Prague. This was the 27th year of the race, which is one of the biggest cross country races in Prague. With Spring coming to the city, it was a great kick-off to outdoor sports and activities for CERGE-EI students. Hats off to these guys for running it the morning after the CERGE-EI beer party…

The professors and students were: Prof. Jan Hanousek, Prof. Fabio Michelucci, Dejan Kovac, Lin Kuan-Heng, Jakub Beran, Iva Pejsarova, Oleg Sidorkin, Leon Petani, and Myroslav Pidkuyko.
